Academhy offers comprehensive university mailing list that includes details like contact name, university name, postal & email address of the university, and phone & fax numbers. Other details include curriculum, work force members and faculty or administrator’s name. Various university email lists available at Academhy helps you to get in touch with students, professors, administrators and top decision makers.
Various University Lists available at Academhy
University First level
University Second level
University Third level
Who are included in the university lists
Segments available for university lists
For university students lists
For university teachers lists
Country-wise : United Kingdom, Canada and United States |
University mailing lists are compiled from real-time data sources to ensure better response rate and overall ROI. With telephone numbers also available in the university email lists, you can run telemarketing campaigns. Data experts at Academhy ensure the information provided in the university mailing lists are accurate and abide by the laws.
University email list’s benefits are multi-fold: Use it to conduct surveys, research targeting students or teaching and non-teaching staff, promote products/services, run contests, games, organize sports events, shows and a lot more.